To create a picture gallery in your project click + (W) in the left dock and select Slideshow.
Adding and reordering pictures
Upload or drop images one by one, or select multiple files. To change the order of your slides, add, replace, or delete pictures, click the Picture icon in the widget controls of your Slideshow.
Slideshow settings
To customize the appearance of your slideshow, click Settings in the widget controls.
- Arrows. Keep the default arrows or replace them with icons from our library. Position them on the bottom of your slideshow or on the sides. Choose Mouseover to show arrows only when hovering over the slideshow, or stick to the more traditional user experience by selecting Normal. You can also hide arrows completely by clicking Disable.
- Counter. Show a counter that displays in numbers or dots.
- Icons color. Select colors for the slideshow controls. If the counter dots are located outside the slideshow, their color cannot be changed.
- Full-screen. Add a button that allows visitors to view your slideshow in full-screen.
- Captions. Add descriptions to individual slides. You can also access Typography, Font Style, and Color controls for your captions.
- Thumbs. Show thumbnails.
- Fill. Enable this setting to expand your slideshow to the widget borders.
- Radius. Round the angles of your slides.
- Bg color. Set background color.
There are two types of transitions between slides: Slider or Crossfade. Learn more about this feature here.
Alt tags for slideshows
To add an alt attribute to your slideshow, click the Semantics attribute in your widget settings and enter text in the pop-up window. The attribute will then appear in the source code of your project. Learn more about alt tags here.