In the Grid and Layout settings, you can set up grid and guides, enable showing sizes for all your widgets, and turn on or off Scale layout and snapping.
By default, the height and width of your screen determine the height and width of the published project. When the project is viewed on different screen sizes, it will be scaled automatically thanks to the Scale Layout feature. Read more about this feature here.
If you need to place widgets outside of the visible layout area (this may be required for some animation scenarios), you can turn on the frame that will show the layout borders. To do so, click Grid and Layout → Guides. You will see a blue frame when zooming out your window.
You can also set the custom width for your layout by clicking on the default value ‘1024’ and entering a new value.
In Guides, you can set the desired number of columns and lines and their width and margins.
Move your cursor up and down, to set the desired values for the grid.
If Snap is activated, a widget aligns automatically to the grid, guides, and nearby widgets when you move it.
Enable Sizes to see the height and width of all your widgets. Learn more about working with widgets here.
Blocks is a beta feature that allows you to work separately on different parts of your page. Learn more about it here.