The profile page has two main parts: a menu and a workspace. Depending on the menu item chosen in the workspace, you can navigate through your projects and collections, or change your account settings. From the menu, you can also access our examples selection, visit the help guide or log out.
To create a new project/collection, press the big red + sign in the upper left corner and then select Project or Collection from the dropdown menu.
Hover over a project or a folder card and then click … to access its menu. From the project menu, you can:
- open your project in Preview mode (Preview);
- add collaborators to your project (Collaborate);
- move the project to a folder (Move);
- duplicate the project (Duplicate);
- publish or unpublish (Publish/Unpublish);
- move to the Deleted folder (Delete).
From the collection menu, you can add collaborators to a folder (Collaborate), rename (Edit name) or delete a folder (Delete).
How to delete a project
The Deleted folder is the place for projects and collections that you don’t need or intend to remove eventually.
To remove a project or a collection, hover over its card, click the … sign and then select Delete from the menu. You can permanently delete a project only from this folder. After that, it can’t be restored.
To move a project or a collection back out of the Deleted folder, click the … sign on its card and select Restore.
How to duplicate a project
Hover over the project card, open its menu and click Duplicate. The duplicated project will be created in the same folder as the original one.
How to work with collections
To move a project into a collection, simply drag its cover and release over the desired collection. You can also move projects by choosing Move in the card menu.
To browse through the contents of a collection, simply click the collection cover once.
When inside a collection, you’ll see its address displayed as ‘breadcrumbs’ at top of the workspace. Click All projects to get back to the root of your profile. It never gets deeper than one level, though: in Readymag, you can’t create subfolders.
How to select several projects/collections
You can select several projects or collections to perform certain actions simultaneously: invite another user to collaborate with you (Collaborate), transfer to another folder (Move), copy (Duplicate) or delete. Just click Select in the upper right corner, then use the mouse drag or press on the projects/collections cards while holding the Shift button down.
Collections cannot be duplicated.